Waterford City and County has an attractive mix of retail, where independent boutiques sit alongside high-street brands. A vibrant café culture also exists in the City and in the main towns, which adds to their appeal. Waterford City & County Council offer various Retail Supports which aim to increase the vibrancy and vitality of our urban centres.


Shop Waterford Support Local

Waterford City and County Council launched the “Shop Waterford, Support Local” brand in May 2020 in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19 to the retail sector across Waterford City and County. To date the Shop Waterford campaign has been supported by numerous businesses and enjoys extensive community engagement.

The Shop Waterford brand aims to:

  • To create local awareness of the economic impact of Shop Local and Support Local amongst Waterford people.
  • To create local pride in the Waterford shopping experience and for Waterford people to act as brand ambassadors.
  • Promote Waterford as a vibrant and authentic retail destination to a wider audience within Ireland and create a balance to current retail leakage outside the South East region.
  • Engage actively with retail and food and beverage businesses to feature the unique and independent nature of the Waterford shopping experience.
  • Actively promote Waterford City and towns and villages as place to Shop, Eat and Enjoy to shoppers outside Waterford and the South East.
  • Promote the Shop Waterford brand across the City and County and create brand visibility in street and road signage.
  • Create brand clarity for the promotion of Waterford as a retail destination in order to increase footfall in our Town and City centres.
  • Waterford is a vibrant and authentic retail destination with a broad range of high street retailers, independent boutiques, shoe stores and artisan craft retailers all complimented by a vibrant café culture.
  • The visitor experience in Waterford City Centre, Dungarvan Town Centre, Tramore Town and across all of the towns and villages from east to west Waterford is enhanced by the ongoing investment in our high quality public realm.

To find out more or to become part of Shop Waterford, please email business@Waterfordcouncil.ie and join the conversation about supporting local.
#ShopWaterford #SupportLocal
TW: @shop_waterford, FB: @shoplocalwaterford, Instagram @shopwaterford1


Economic Incentive Scheme

Waterford City & County Council is offering incentives for the encouragement of retail and other businesses within the core retail area of the City Centre, towns and village centres in Waterford (as defined in the City and County Development Plans), in order to bring vibrancy and vitality to the city and town centres, and to address vacancy in urban areas.

It is Waterford City & County Council’s policy to support economic growth within the city and county.  The aim is to attract a variety of retail, service and office based businesses that will create opportunities for all citizens.

For more details see the link below.


Urban Facade Improvement Scheme 2024

Waterford City & County Council is extending a support to assist in the improvement of visible facades (upper and lower floors) of buildings in high notable areas of Waterford City, Tramore Town Centre and Dungarvan Town Centre.

This scheme allows for up to 50% of the cost of improvement works (excl. VAT) to the exterior presentation of a building, including upper floors, up to €2,000 (amount decided upon approval).

How it works?

  1. Fill out the application form, submit two quotes for the estimated costs, a description of the planned works and pictures of the property.
  2. If your application is approved you will be notified the amount you have been approved for and a deadline of 6 months to complete the works.
  3. Return the Supplier Set Up Form by post. This form is our way of paying out to you once the works are completed. A hard copy must be sent. You can find this below.
  4. Once the works are complete, submit your invoices and a picture of the completed works. You will be allowed 50% of the costs of works (excl. VAT) up to the amount you were allocated when approved.



Contact for Economic Incentive Scheme and Urban Facade Improvement Scheme

Maureen Fitzsimons



How we help.
We can provide investment support and advice on doing business in Waterford. We facilitate introductions to economic development agencies, private industry, academia and government.