South East Technological University (SETU) is one of Ireland’s highest performing third level institutions when it comes to research, and the most successful place of learning outside Dublin in the area of knowledge transfer and industry collaboration.[1]

For example, through the Institute’s Technology Transfer Office (TTO), 654 research agreements with industry have been entered into over the last five years.  SETU has been recognised as an outstanding performer nationally and internationally by Knowledge Transfer Ireland securing multiple awards.  The SETU TTO is part of a larger consortium which has consistently outperformed our peers in terms of our industrial partnership performance.

[1] See

SETU’s tradition has been in research associated with Science, Engineering, and related disciplines. Three of the Institute’s main research centres are designated as Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateways. SETU is the only institution with three gateways, which include TSSG at Walton Institute, SEAM and PMBRC. Other high-performing research centres at SETU include NRCI and RIKON.


Walton Institute

Walton Institute is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for ICT research and innovation, and one of the most successful ICT research centres in Ireland securing funding of €120 million under EU Programmes. The “TSSG Technology Gateway” at the Walton Institute is one of the largest Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateways in the network. The Technology Gateway supports start-ups, micro SME’s and scaling SME’s by delivering technology solutions through collaboration on projects which are close to the market needs of the Irish industry.

Walton has a proven track record in translating world class research into market ready products and services and has established an eco-system of mobile service companies in the South East of Ireland and beyond, creating several hundred jobs directly and indirectly in the last ten years. As a multidisciplinary ICT centric research institute, the first of its kind in the South East region, Walton Institute’s research vision is to utilise ICT that can be expanded towards various applications including future healthcare, transport, environmental protection, cybersecurity, energy, as well as agriculture.

The Walton Institute currently consists of approximately 80 research scientists and engineers, 25 postgraduate students to PhD level and manages an active international network in excess of 750 international partners from industry, academic and research institutes. In the past 2 years, the Technology Gateway in Walton Institute secured funding from Enterprise Ireland to establish labs and testbeds in the areas of mixed reality, e-Textiles and satellite communications with a direct goal of supporting industry in the south east interested in enhancing their product and service offering in these areas.



Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre

PMBRC is an award-winning research centre based in SETU. The centre conducts multidisciplinary research across three schools of SETU (Science & Computing; Health Sciences; and Engineering) in areas such as drug delivery, pharmaceutical characterisation, molecular biology, sensor technologies and biomedical science. The centre has 35 Researchers at postgraduate and post-doctoral level with a further 20 members of academic staff actively involved in research supervision and management. Projects include collaborations with international partners across Europe and North America.

As an Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway, the PMBRC has a strong industry focus and has a client list of over 100 companies in the pharma, medtech, analytical science, engineering, food and veterinary sectors. Recently, PMBRC expanded its laboratory infrastructure to include ICP-mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and a new scanning electron microscope.


SEAM - South Eastern Applied Materials

SEAM is an Applied Research Centre and a leading Technology Gateway Centre based in SETU. It provides innovative materials and design engineering solutions for industries seeking assistance on materials related issues that cannot be solved by utilising their on-site resources.

SEAM’s unique strength lies in its ability to deliver professional, competitive customised solutions often under extreme time constraints. SEAM’s ability to satisfy industries needs is proven through dramatic growth of its client base, now serving over 235 companies from wide ranging industrial sectors. SEAM Research Interests and Area of Expertise are: Material Processing, Process monitoring & Process Optimisation for metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) parts; Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics of components systems; Non-destructive investigations & Metrology evaluation using X-Ray Micro-Tomography; Failure Analysis of product components; Material Characterisation.

SEAM executed over 400 direct funded projects during the pandemic period. This demonstrates the value Irish industries regard with SEAM Research Centre.




RIKON is an international-leading centre of innovation in the study of business technology management. They undertake cutting edge research that produces leading research, with peer reviewed academic projects and outputs published in leading journals and disseminated at conferences world-wide.

A key aspect of RIKON’s research is the translational innovation agenda for industry. Since its formation in 2003, RIKON has worked with over 1500 companies across a range of industries. RIKON specialises in solving business problems and creating commercial opportunities through pioneering research advancements across business strategy, Lean & data driven process optimisation.



NRCI - Nutrition Research Centre Ireland

The Nutrition Research Centre Ireland is a multi-disciplinary group studying the role of nutrition and lifestyle for human wellbeing. Their current research interests include the study of key nutrients for cognitive function and brain health with a major goal of identifying ways to reduce Alzheimer’s disease.

The mission of the NRCI is to support multi-disciplinary research and provide a suitable platform for scientists to exchange knowledge and gain further understanding into the study of human wellbeing. The main research areas active within the Centre are biotechnology; eye health and function; cognitive function; chemistry and biochemistry and clinical nutrition.